Etablished to Bron (69) in the activity zone of "Parc du Chêne", Novotec is situated near big scientific poles of the region of Lyon (Word comptitiveness cluster Lyonbiopôle, Doua campus (retained within the framework of the Campus national plan), East Pole of Health, Biodistrict of Gerland, Saint Priest's technological Park, Compagny incubator of Laennec). This location allows it to benefit from relations favored with centers of research and education (IBCP, IGFL, ENS, Université Lyon 1) but also with renowned international companies (Sanofi-Pasteur, Genzyme Sanofi, Biomnis, Mérial).
Founded in 1997 by researchers of the Institut Pasteur of Lyon, Novotec is a specialist in production and distribution of specific antibodies against the extracellular matrix macromolecules (collagens, elastin, fibronectin, laminin…). The improved knowledge of histological and immunohistochemical methods makes Novotec an expert in the tissue characterization. Novotec has also know-how in In Situ Hybridization, cellular biology, image analysis… As a service provider, Novotec offers its expertise to the industrialists and the private or academic research laboratories (biotechnologies, pharmaceutics, bio-diagnosis, food processing industry, cosmetics, veterinary, tissue engineering…).

Dynamic and innovative, Novotec aims to construct, carry out and develop its clients and partners’ projects in order to understand cellular and molecular mechanisms within various tissues.
Working in close collaboration with an anatomopathologist, specialized in human and animal pathologies, Novotec is able to validate observations and conclusions of its studies. In association with technical support centers from the Rhône-Alpes region, Novotec offers complementary services as well (Transmission Electronic Microscopy, confocal microscopy, animal experimentation…).
Certified according to the ISO 9001: 2015 standard, the Quality Management System of Novotec guarantees the respect of its clients’ requirements. Concerned about its clients’ satisfaction and willing to foresee their needs, Novotec is involved in a continuous improvement approach. To meet its clients’ needs, Novotec R&D department has received an agreement to the Credit Impôt Recherche, a French governmental organization for research, since 2002.